Budapest to Prague

Trains from Budapest to Prague (2018 timetable):

 Train Number
EC 280 EC 172 EC 278 EC 276 EC 274 EC 272 EN 476 EN 10476*
 Train Name
 Metropolitan   Metropolitan   Metropolitan   Metropolitan   Metropol 
Budapest-Nyugati 5:41 7:41 9:41 11:41 13:41 15:41 20:25 (Keleti station)
20:25 (Keleti station)
Bratislava (Pozsony) 8:07 10:07 12:07 14:07 16:07 18:07 22:46 22:46
Praha hl.n. (Prague Main Station) 
12:07 14:07 16:07 18:07 20:07 22:07 6:04 8:07

* EuroNight (EN) Metropol train Budapest-Prague consist of two groups of carriages: both are Budapest-Prague groups (however first group arrives to Prague at 6:04 am, while second one makes a couple hours long stopover at one of the Czech stations in order to arrive to Prague at a more decent time - 8:07am, thus de-facto while leaving Budapest on the same train you have chance to arrive to Prague at two different times)

Trains Tickets from Budapest to Prague? When traveling between the capitals of Hungary & Czech Republic potential passengers can purchase different types of train tickets, choosing the right type of ticket can save you a good amount money:

Alternatives? Perhaps you aren't in the mood to travel from Budapest to Prague using any of the direct trains, then you have a few other options to consider: a) you can always travel by bus (major bus companies operating on Budapest to Prague route are EuroLines & RegioJet/Student Agency); b) travel with a stopover in some interesting place (e.g. already mentioned earlier Brno or maybe Slovak capital - Bratislava); c) in case you in a hurry, then it's possible to fly from Budapest to Prague - low-cost RyanAir and Czech Airlines both have direct flights between Budapest and Prague
