Moldova (CFM)

Country info: Moldova

Rail companies: CFM (Calea Ferate din Moldova )

Moldova Rail Network Map

Currency: 1 euro = app. 22 Moldavian lei (MDL)


Train travel in Moldova: train types, tickets, fares, discounts & other useful info


National Train Service:

Train types in Moldova: Suburban (suburbane), Regional (locale) & International long-distance (lunga) trains


Types of carriages in CFM trains:


Discounts, special offers & ways to save money for passengers traveling by train in Moldova (CFM):

  1. Passengers taking regional trains in Moldova can save some money while traveling on lower class carriages. For example, when using newly renovated D1M diesel trains 3rd class ticket fare is more than twice cheaper compared to the price of 1st class ticket, 2nd class ticket is roughly 1,5 times cheaper (while difference in comfort between 1st & 2nd class is not very essential)
  2. Passengers planning short trips also should keep in mind that tickets for slightly slower suburban trains are always cheaper compared to tickets for regional or international long-distance trains.


International Train Service:

Tariffs for international tickets used by Moldova railways:

a) Regular discounts

No info available

b) Special offers (SparSchiene)

Prietenia: overnight train (#105/106) from Chisinau to Bucharest: 24 euro (one-way ticket) or 43 euro (return ticket) + sleeper reservations 6 euro (2/4, 4 bed compartment) or 10,50 euro (1/2, double bed compartment)

Chisinau - Iasi (Socola): daytime EMU (132 lei - 3rd class seat, 148 lei - 2nd class seat & 173 lei 1st class seat)

c) CityStars

No info available



How to Buy Train Tickets in Moldova:

Moldova Railways (CFM) recently opened e-ticket shop - - however at the moment it is possible to purchase only tickets for the Chisinau-Iasi (Socola) regional train & overnight sleeper Chisinau-Bucharest (#105)



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